Ensemble Evaluations
This is Your Brain on Music
Google Classroom Code for Orchestra: ybuhdl6
Google Classroom Code for Bands: pinuz9
Band Evaluations by month and grade
Month | Grade 9 Band | Grade 10 Band | Grade 11/12 Band |
September | Blog Scavenger Hunt | Goal Setting | 1. Roles and Responsibilities 2. Small Ensemble Schedule |
October | 1. Ted Talks: How to Listen 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric | 1, How to Practise 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric | 1, Implementation of Roles 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric |
November | Audience and Performer Etiquette | Music and the Brain | Mentoring |
December | Music Night Cue to Cue | Music Night Cue to Cue | Music Night Cue to Cue |
Jan/February | 1. Listening and Goal setting 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric | 1. Music and the Brain Part 2 2. Goal Setting 3. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric | 1. Mentoring 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric |
March | Festival Cue to Cue | Festival Cue to Cue | Festival Cue to Cue |
April | 1. Guided Listening 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric |
1. Why Musicians Make Good Doctors 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric | 1. Implementation of Roles 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric |
May | Music Night Cue to Cue | Music Night Cue to Cue | Music Night Cue to Cue |
June | 1. Checklist and Exit Card 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric | 1. Checklist and Exit Card 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric | 1. Checklist and Exit Card 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric |
EVERY Rehearsal Counts!
Click HERE to see the Rubric for Rehearsal Readiness and Participation. It will be assessed each rehearsal and evaluated four times per year.