Ensemble Evaluations 2018-2019

Ensemble Evaluations

This is Your Brain on Music

Google Classroom Code for Orchestra: ybuhdl6

Google Classroom Code for Bands: pinuz9

Band Evaluations by month and grade

MonthGrade 9 BandGrade 10 BandGrade 11/12 Band
SeptemberBlog Scavenger HuntGoal Setting1. Roles and Responsibilities 2. Small Ensemble Schedule
October1. Ted Talks: How to Listen 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric1, How to Practise 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric1, Implementation of Roles 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric
NovemberAudience and Performer Etiquette Music and the Brain Mentoring
DecemberMusic Night Cue to CueMusic Night Cue to CueMusic Night Cue to Cue
Jan/February1. Listening and Goal setting 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric1. Music and the Brain Part 2 2. Goal Setting 3. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric1. Mentoring 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric
MarchFestival Cue to CueFestival Cue to CueFestival Cue to Cue
April 1. Guided Listening 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric
1. Why Musicians Make Good Doctors 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric
1. Implementation of Roles 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric
MayMusic Night Cue to CueMusic Night Cue to CueMusic Night Cue to Cue
June1. Checklist and Exit Card 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric1. Checklist and Exit Card 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric1. Checklist and Exit Card 2. Rehearsal Readiness and Participation Rubric

 EVERY Rehearsal Counts!
Click HERE to see the Rubric for Rehearsal Readiness and Participation.  It will be assessed each rehearsal and evaluated four times per year.