Who is R. Murray Schafer?
Read his bio here and watch this NFB short film about Listening that was made for the Governor General's Performing Arts Awards.
Who is Dr. Jesse Stewart?
Beginning right after March Break, we are going to be working with Dr. Jesse Stewart from Carleton University.Step One: Read Dr. Stewart's bio and have a look at his webiste here
Step Two: In order to get a sense of his work, watch this video (watch for the part that will remind you of Marc Donovan!)
Step Three: please access this document and choose two other pieces to view/listen to. Select what capture's your groups imagination. (Amar - see if you see a connection between an instrument you recently learned and the video for Bass Drum and Found Objects in a tunnel. JSway - you might find the Voyageur record remix interesting - use your phone first to quickly look up the original project. Percussion: How do you think he chooses which sticks/mallets to use? Do you notice any trends?)
Guiding Questions;
- What do you think of what you hear?
- What non-traditional items are used to make music in Dr. Stewart's works?
- Can you think of a name/genre for this type of work?
- Is it similar to anything else you've seen or heard?
- Do you think there are links between R. Murray Scafer and Dr. Stewart? What are they?
- Does listening to and watching this music give you ideas of your own?
- What is the most interesting thing you heard?