Thursday, 17 November 2016

Citrus 2016

Citrus Campaign

Our Citrus Campaign will run from November 17 to December 2, with delivery December 15 and 16 at Produce Depot 2446 Bank St. (8:00am-9:00pm). 

Order forms can be found here
Pick Up Receipts can be found here

So How Does This Citrus Drive Thing Work?

1.  We are selling Citrus to support our Music Program.  We are partnering with our local Produce Depot at 2446 Bank Street to provide fresh Red Florida Grapefruit and Fresh California Oranges.

2.  Orders may be taken between now and December 2.  Prices are as follows;

California Orange
Florida Red Grapefruit

3.  When a customer orders, fill in their name on the main order sheet.  They must pay at the time of order.  Cash and Cheques are both acceptable.  Cheques should be made payable to Hillcrest High School, with ‘citrus’ written on the memo line.  Then fill out and give them a pick up receipt.

4.  Customers can pick up their citrus on Thursday December 15 or Friday December 16 by going to the Produce Depot (2446 Bank Street) between the hours of 8 a.m. and 9 p.m.  They can approach any clerk or cashier with their pick up receipt and receive service.

5.  Orders must be received by the end of the school day on Friday December 2.

Thanks, and have a Great Fundraiser!

Want to Volunteer at Capital Region Musicfest?

We are hosting Capital Region Musicfest right here at Hillcrest in February!

Are you interested in volunteering?
Duties would include meeting participating bands and guiding them around our school to the auditorium, library, and gym, answering questions and generally being helpful! Hours that you work outside of class time can be used towards your 40 hours of community service required for graduation.

You may volunteer to work for the Concert Band days here at Hillcrest (February 22-25) or the Jazz Band days at Longfield-Davidson Heights SS in Barrhaven (March 3-4)

If you are interested, you must fill out the online form here.

All volunteers will receive a free Musicfest Staff t-shirt.

Please note: volunteers are organized by Musicfest staff, not Ms. Hunter or Ms. Reeks.  You must fill out the online form and they will be in contact with you.